Signpost to some companies and magazines

For the Amiga® freak: Amiga Technologies GmbH, Germany
- PC Direkt AG, Neuhausen on the Rhine
- Philips's consumer service
- CANON's driver
download page, device drivers for Windows® and various DOS
programs for all devices of CANON's product spectrum
- LucasArts Entertainment Company,
producer of popular game title such as »Indiana Jones«, demo
versions for downloading are also available
- WHC Musiksoftware GmbH,
Sörenberg, Germany. Manufacturer of the music software package
»capella«. A download page with a lot of pieces of music is also
- Insignia Solutions Inc. Manufacturer
of the PC emulation software »SoftWindows®« for Apple Macintosh
- Swimming baths Alpamare in Pfäffikon
SZ, Switzerland. There are some visitor information available such as
supply, hours of business, admission charges etc.
- Swiss Federal Railway SBB with online
timetable information
- Deutsche Bahn AG
- COCA-COLA 2000 !!! A
site for enthusiasts of the caffeine containing soft drink but not
published from the manufacturer itself!
- George Fischer +GF+ where I
completed my apprenticeship. Group of mechanical engineering companies in
Schaffhausen, general site
- Charmilles Technologies
Maschinenbau AG where I worked between the apprenticeship and this study
for 3¼ years. Manufacturer of spark erosion machines with headquarters
in Geneva
- Applicon SA, Manufacturer of the
CAD/CAM system Bravo3®
which I used in the apprenticeship as well as Charmilles Technologies
Maschinenbau AG for a longer time.
- Hallo Internet AG, an Internet provider
in my region in Schaffhausen
- Telesoft AG, various useful links
Publishing houses
Last update: November 4th, 1996
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© 1996, 1998 by Andreas Meile